
Algorithm Analysis

Asymptotic Notations

Asymptotic notations are the mathematical notations used to describe the running time of an algorithm when the input tends towards a particular value or a limiting value.


For example: In bubble sort,

  1. when the input array is already sorted, the time taken by the algorithm is linear i.e. the best case.
  2. But, when the input array is in reverse condition, the algorithm takes the maximum time (quadratic) to sort the elements i.e. the worst case.
  3. When the input array is neither sorted nor in reverse order, then it takes average time. These durations are denoted using asymptotic notations.

There are mainly three asymptotic notations:

  • Big-O notation: represents the upper bound of the running time of an algorithm. Thus, it gives the worst-case complexity of an algorithm.
  • Omega notation: represents the lower bound of the running time of an algorithm. Thus, it provides the best case complexity of an algorithm.
  • Theta notation: Encloses the function from above and below. It represents the upper and the lower bound of the running time of an algorithm, it is used for analyzing the average-case complexity of an algorithm.

Big-O Analysis of Algorithms

We can express algorithmic complexity using the big-O notation. For a problem of size N:

  • A constant-time function/method is “order 1” : O(1)
  • A linear-time function/method is “order N” : O(N)
  • A quadratic-time function/method is “order N squared” : O(N^2)


The general step wise procedure for Big-O runtime analysis is as follows:

  • Figure out what the input is and what n represents.
  • Express the maximum number of operations, the algorithm performs in terms of n.
  • Eliminate all excluding the highest order terms.
  • Remove all the constant factors.
Some of the useful properties of Big-O notation analysis

Constant Multiplication: If f(n) = c*g(n), then O(f(n)) = O(g(n)) ; where c is a nonzero constant.

Polynomial Function: If f(n) = a0 * n^0 + a1 * n^1 + a2 * n^2 + ... + am * n^m, then O(f(n)) = O(n^m).

Summation Function: If f(n) = f1(n) + f2(n) + ... + fm(n) and fi(n) ≤ fi+1(n) ∀ i = 1, 2, ..., m, then O(f(n)) = O(max(f1(n), f2(n), ..., fm(n))).

Logarithmic Function: If f(n) = loga(n) and g(n) = logb(n), then O(f(n)) = O(g(n)); all log functions grow in the same manner in terms of Big-O.

Basically, this asymptotic notation is used to measure and compare the worst-case scenarios of algorithms theoretically.

The algorithms can be classified as follows from the best-to-worst performance, (n is the input size and c is a positive constant).:

  • A logarithmic algorithm – O(logn): Runtime grows logarithmically in proportion to n.
  • A linear algorithm – O(n): Runtime grows directly in proportion to n.
  • A superlinear algorithm – O(nlogn): Runtime grows in proportion to n.
  • A polynomial algorithm – O(n^c): Runtime grows quicker than previous all based on n.
  • A exponential algorithm – O(c^n): Runtime grows even faster than polynomial algorithm based on n.
  • A factorial algorithm – O(n!): Runtime grows the fastest and becomes quickly unusable for even small values of n.

For Runtime Analysis, Some of the examples of all those types of algorithms (in worst-case scenarios) are mentioned below:

  • O(logn) – Binary Search.
  • O(n) – Linear Search.
  • O(nlogn) – Heap Sort, Merge Sort.
  • O(n^c) – Strassen’s Matrix Multiplication, Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Bucket Sort.
  • O(c^n) – Tower of Hanoi.
  • O(n!) – Determinant Expansion by Minors, Brute force Search algorithm for Traveling Salesman Problem.

The algorithms with examples are classified from the best-to-worst performance (Space Complexity) based on the worst-case scenarios are mentioned below:

  • O(1) - Linear Search, Binary Search, Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Heap Sort, Shell Sort.
  • O(log n) - Merge Sort.
  • O(n) - Quick Sort.
  • O(n+k) - Radix Sort.

There is usually a trade-off between optimal memory use and runtime performance. In general for an algorithm, space efficiency and time efficiency reach at two opposite ends and each point in between them has a certain time and space efficiency. So, the more time efficiency you have, the less space efficiency you have and vice versa.

Space Complexity

auxiliary space complexity: is the extra space or temporary space used by an algorithm.